Frequently Asked Questions
How are you different from other trainers?
I am an Anti-Diet Personal trainer, which means that unlike many coaches and trainers, I do not believe in prescribing meal plans or diets, nor do I encourage restrictive behaviour of any kind. I believe that exercise is a celebration of the body, not something to be done to punish yourself for your body or for what you ate. I work from a trauma informed perspective that strives to be inclusive of ALL bodies. I do not weigh or measure my clients, or require them to take progress pictures. I gauge success based on how you FEEL, as well as improvements in skill, strength, stamina, etc.
What are your best clients like?
My best clients are the ones who share their struggles, goals, and expectations honestly. They are open to feedback, and willing to learn from different perspectives. They also are willing to give me feedback and work with me to ensure that they are receiving the best service possible. Added bonus if they are animal lovers.
Who is Personal Training for?
In short, personal training is for anyone and everyone. Maybe you are struggling to build a consistent exercise routine, you aren’t sure what to do in the gym, you feel nervous or intimidated to start working out, you want to learn to do exercises safely and effectively, you want to improve or reduce the risk of pain and injury, you are bored or feeling unsatisfied by your current exercise routine, or you are simply looking for support and feedback. If any of this sounds familiar, personal training might be for you.
What is a Personal Training session like?
Every personal training session is different because every BODY is different. Sessions are tailored to your specific goals and needs. A typical session starts with a warm up, followed by some form of goal specific resistance training, and finishes with a full body stretch. When you train with me, you will never be expected to come in for a session and spend 30 mins on a treadmill or bike, you likely don’t need my supervision for that.
What kinds of training do you specialize in?
I specialize in training for average folx looking to move more and feel better. My specializations include Trauma-Informed Weightlifting, Corrective Exercise, and MMA Conditioning.
Who is Joyful Bootcamp for?
Joyful Movement Bootcamp is a virtual group class for those who would like some guidance working out from home in a fun, group setting. All bodies are welcome and no experience , and little to no equipment is required.
What is a Joyful Bootcamp session like?
Bootcamp classes are 45 minutes long. Each class begins with a warmup, followed by timed, circuit style exercises and ending with a full body stretch. The time based circuits are meant to be taken at your own pace, resting as needed and working within your body’s tolerance. Exercise variations will be offered to accommodate for different levels of experience, strength, and mobility.
What kinds of clients are not for you? When would you refer out?
Clients that might not be right for me are those who are looking for high level sport specific coaching, powerlifting, olympic lifting, bodybuilding, etc.​
In some cases I may also refer clients out to other professionals. In the case of pain or injury I might recommend a physiotherapist, massage therapist, chiropractor, or acupuncturist for further assistance. While in some instances, like with disordered eating, I may also suggest first working with a psychologist, therapist, or other mental health practitioner.
What types of home fitness equipment do you recommend?
You can participate in joyful movement bootcamp with no equipment, using only household items, however it can be beneficial to invest in a pair of dumbbells, especially as you get stronger.
What results can I expect?
Because Work of A.R.T. Coaching is an anti-diet, health at every size aligned business, we do not measure success or results with weight, body size, or physical change. Those things may or may not occur through our time together and do not impact how we measure success.
Results you CAN expect: To feel accomplished, improved energy, an improved body image, a stronger relationship with food, movement, and body, established self care routines and habits that fit your life, better boundaries with yourself and others, more confidence in the gym and in your body, increased strength and stamina, improved cardiovascular health, better sleep, etc.
Do you offer any other programs?
Not seeing exactly what you’re looking for, or perhaps feeling as though you could benefit from more than one thing? Work of A.R.T. Coaching offers custom programs as needed. If what you need is not quite a match for one of our programs, I will work with you to create a program that fits your needs and your budget.
How often should I be exercising?
The answer to this is different for everyone depending on their exercise tolerance and capacity, the physical demands of their daily lives, their energy, and their schedule.
General health guidelines recommend at least 150 mins of physical activity per week which is about 30 minutes 5 times per week.
Do I need to follow a meal plan?
How can you help me with my nutrition if you won’t tell me what to eat?
While I will never tell you what you should and should not eat, I will answer your nutrition questions, offer support and guidance in changing or creating habits around food that will help you feel your best, and offer gentle nutrition guidance and information as needed.
What’s your opinion on dieting?
In short, I don’t believe in dieting. While I support that everyone has a right to make decisions for themselves and their bodies and I will not interfere with that choice, I feel that ultimately most diets are temporary measures that, while they may appear to work in the short term, produce more harm than good in the long term.
Do you provide custom workouts or meal plans?
I do provide custom workouts, but I DO NOT provide meal plans of any kind.
Am I too old or overweight to workout?
NO! Exercise and movement are for everyone!
I have injuries, can I still train?
Yes! All injuries are different and require different attention, but as your personal trainer I can help you keep active even while injured by providing modified exercises to accommodate your injury AND exercises to help support your recovery.
Why hire a coach/trainer?
There are plenty of reasons to work with a coach or trainer.
You know the benefits of changing your habits and adding more physical activity but you’re not sure where to start.
You’re healing your relationship with food, movement, and body, and need guidance.
You have never been to the gym and aren’t sure what you’re doing.
You want to avoid or reduce pain and injury.
You’re recovering from injury.
You are recovering from an eating disorder/disordered eating and are looking for a safe space to begin exercising.
You are bored or unhappy with your current exercise or movement routine.
You are looking for accountability.
And more!

Client Statement
I understand and acknowledge that the services provided are at all times restricted to consultation on the subject of health matters intended for general well-being, and are not intended for medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing of medicine for any disease, or any controlled acts which may constitute the practice of medicine. I understand that these services are not a substitute for the recommendations of your doctor or licensed medical professional.
Cancellation Policy
Please note that 24 hours cancellation notice is required for all appointments. In the event of a late cancellation or no show, the cost of the session is forfeit. Work of A.R.T. Coaching may make exceptions to this policy at her discretion in the event of an emergency.